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ashtanga yoga

is a traditional system of yoga transmitted by the late Sri K Pattabhi Jois of Mysore, India. "Ashtanga" meaning eight limbs, is a comprehensive system of yoga in which the physical practice is only one of the eight limbs. This physical practice is grouped into four series, each consisting of a set sequence of postures. Students advance through the series over time. The Ashtanga primary series is appropriate for all levels of practitioner. Other aspects of the eight limb practice are addressed in periodic workshops.

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I found Ashtanga in 2004 at Bristol Yoga, VT, with authorized teacher Christine Hoar, and I instantly fell in love with the practice. I chose to stay in Bristol for another five years apprenticing with Christine, who continues to be my main teacher. Following in her tradition, my teaching style focuses on connection to breath and bandhas, hands-on adjustments, and a joyful and mindful approach to the practice. I am also grateful to have had the opportunity to practice with Sri K Pattabhi Jois during his annual visits to New York in the years preceding his death, and I have studied extensively with Nancy Gilgoff, Tim Miller and with Louise Ellis in Rishikesh, India.

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In mysore-style practice, students arrive and depart on their own schedule within the practice session, and move through whichever series they are working on at their own pace. Mysore is an opportunity to gain autonomy in practice, and to move in the rhythm of one’s individual breath while supported by the guidance of a teacher and the group energy of the room.

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about Ashtanga foundations

In ashtanga foundations, poses from first and second series are combined in a 60 minute class, in order to give the benefits of both forward and backward folding poses, and to introduce practitioners of all levels to a wider variety of poses.

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Private Lessons

Start a new practice, dive more deeply into your practice, or learn how to work with an injury or challenge. Personalized one-on-one sessions meet you where you are in your practice, and give you hands-on and verbal instruction to progress safely and joyfully. $120/hr


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