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the following services are available to all who seek them, please inform me of any language and practice preferences so that you may feel welcome here
fertility, pregnancy, postpartum support
Diet and lifestyle modifications can have profound benefits for optimizing fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum wellness. If you are thinking about becoming pregnant in the next year, building nutrients and balancing hormones now will offer a host of benefits to you and your baby.
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menstrual and menopausal support
While it is common to experience PMS and menstrual pain, it does not have to be your normal. You should not have to stay home or take painkillers a couple days every month. Similarly, menopausal symptoms do not have to take over years of your life.
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thyroid and adrenal health
Many thyroid conditions go undiagnosed, and western medical hormone ranges are based on averages, not optimal levels. Low thyroid function causes low energy, weight gain, depressed mood, and more. Thyroid health is also tied to adrenal health, which is often compromised by chronic stress. Supporting the thyroid and adrenals is essential to vibrant wellbeing.